Unfair and Wrongful Dismissal
Have you been dismissed by your employer? Have they given you notice that you’re being sacked?
In order to dismiss you fairly, the reason for your dismissal must be one of the five potentially fair reasons under the legislation and your employer must act reasonably in treating it as the reason to dismiss you, including following a fair procedure. If not, you may have a claim for unfair dismissal if you have worked for your employer for two years or more. Even if you do not have two years’ service, there are under a number of reasons under the legislation that the dismissal would be deemed automatically unfair. You can call on our employment law specialists for help and advice.
You may have been wrongfully dismissed if your employer has dismissed you without giving you the correct notice period.
Or if you’ve been forced you to resign by your employer’s conduct or actions, you may have been constructively dismissed. If you haven’t resigned yet, you should contact us immediately for advice. If you don’t leave your job immediately, your employer may be able to argue that you’ve accepted their conduct by not resigning straight away.
Our unfair and wrongful dismissal solicitors at our offices in Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire will get to know your personal situation and provide clear and specialised advice. Get in contact with us today to arrange an initial meeting for a one-off fixed fee – any fees after that will be completely transparent.
For more information on our fees, please click here to see our Price Guide.
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